Wednesday, September 2, 2009

JVM terminated. Exit code=-1

Have you ever got the above error message when you try to launch eclipse? Well it happened yesterday. When I started eclipse, it showed this error window

This error is quiet strange since I did fresh install jdk and eclipse on my windows machine. When I googled this error, there were some advices including to increase Xms512. But it did work before without setting anything. Then finally I found a good advice here :

Yup. Remove the entries in eclipse.ini :). But unfortunately after you do that, there will be an error saying that you need to close your eclipse. To deal with this, you need to restore your eclipse.ini file (you can try another eclipse.ini file or just restore the last one) and change this :
-Xmx512m to Xmx256m.

People says that it happens because eclipse tries to allocate heap memory as much as 512 but it fails.



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