Sunday, December 29, 2013


Back in December 2012 when googling about websocket, the results were Atmosphere, jWebSocket, websockets4j,, and Weberknecht. But in December 2013, the result is JSR 356. Yes, there is finally a standardization about websocket. Apache Tomcat 7.0.47 has also implemented it and we will use it in this blog post.

To start, we can create usual dynamic web project in eclipse. Don't forget to specify Tomcat as the server target runtime. I created a super simple chat application. The chat room can have many users. You can try it by opening as many tabs as you like, each tab represents a new user session. All messages are saved so that users that joined after the conversation has started don't miss anything. In this example, each time a message is sent it will be broadcasted to all users joining the chat. Below is the source code hosted on box:

Below is the result when running the code with three users involved:

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Java 3D


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