Saturday, September 12, 2009

Debugging in GWT

Days a go I tried to debug my GWT code and... nothing happened. In GWT, we can debug our code in hosted mode but not in web mode by the way. My breakpoint didn't hit by debugger. How could it be? After googling for awhile I found out that I'm not the only one who has the same problem. Some people say that they have problem when it is jdk 1.6.0_14, and when they downgrade to 1.6.0_13, it runs well without any debugging problems.

But before I revert back to older version, it's a good practice to upgrade first. So I decided to upgrade to (currently available version). And when I run eclipse debugger, it works. Fiuh...


Anonymous said...

numpang lewat...
main gwt pake netbeans..ada :D

Rochmat Santoso said...

Akhirnya kalo lewat ninggalin jejak :). Btw dah dapat teman main netbeans berapa org habis gagal mempengaruhi Q3-2009?

Anonymous said...

skrg ini 3orang pake netbeans :P..suhu mms jg pake netbeans sblm resign loh..
pake yg mana aja ga mslh tp gw prefer netbeans buat coding n eclipse buat explore code :D..


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